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LifePak CR2 Replacement Trainer/Demo Battery Compartment Covers

Internet Price: $17.00

LifePak CR2 AED Replacement Trainer/Demo Battery Compartment Covers.  Set of 3.

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Being prepared to teach those around you to effectively use an automated external defibrillator will allow the most people gain education on how to potentially save someone's life in an emergency situation. AED's come with training accessories in order to teach others how to properly use the AED in the case of an emergency when someone is afflicted with Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Providing the proper training beforehand using the AED trainer accessories that accompany your AED will create a safe environment in which people regularly work and live.

AED trainer accessories are offered by each of the manufacturers of automated external defibrillators. They allow for a realistic training scenario in order to teach others how to properly use the AED in an emergency situation. They often include adult training pads, infant/child training pads, and other materials for AED trainers. AED training accessories should be purchased for any place which has made an AED readily available and needs to train those who will potentially be using the equipment in the future. A workplace which commonly has many people gathered on the premises is a prime example of a location where AED training would be very effective.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a very common occurrence in the United States with over 350,000 individuals succumbing to it because there was either not an AED available for use, or the available AED was not used properly in order to treat the patient. By training those who will have access to the AED by using the AED trainer accessories provided by AED Shop will allow for the safest environment on a day-to-day basis. Taking responsibility for the health and safety of those around you by providing an AED as well as the training to use it properly will help everyone know that they are working and living in an environment which is prepared for potential emergencies.