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Florida AED Laws
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation
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Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Florida AED Law - House Bill 411 (HB 411)

The Florida AED Law has been enacted to protect individuals and organizations that own AEDs from liability when the rules in the law have been followed.  The State of Florida AED Law states the following:

"(2) An automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator may be used by any individual who meets the requirements of this section who has successfully completed an appropriate training course as approved by the local emergency medical services medical director. This requirement consists of completion of a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or successful completion of a basif first aid course that includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, and demonstrated proficiency in the use of an automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator, and to include instruction in:

(a) The proper use, maintenance, and periodic inspection of the automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator.

(b) Defibrillator safety precautions to enable the user to administer a shock without jeopardizing the safety of the patient, the user, or other persons.

(c) Assessment of an unconscious person to determine if cardiac arrest has occurred and the appropriateness of applying an automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator.

(d) Recognizing that an electrical shock has been delivered to the patient and that the defibrillator is no longer charged.

(e) Rapid, accurate assessment of the patient's postshock status to determine if further activation of the automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator is necessary.

(f) The operations of the local emergency medical services system, including methods of access to the emergency response system, the need to activate the EMS system as soon as possible upon use of the automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator, and interaction with emergency medical services personnel.

(g) The role of the user and coordination with other emergency medical service providers in the provision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, defibrillation, basic life support, and advanced life support.

(h) The responsibility of the user to continue care until the arrival of medically qualified personnel."

Florida requires the AED to be properly maintained according to the manufacture's guidelines.  Maintaining the AED involves replacing the pads and batteries according to the manufacture's guidelines.  Also to provide training to staff members that would be most likely expect to use the AED is required by the law.

To view the Florida AED Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 3/18/2011 12:39 PM

Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Florida Good Samaritan Law

The State of Florida Good Samaritan Law protects individuals, who in good faith, aid a victim during an emergency from liability if the victim is injured or the life is lost.  The Florida Good Samaritan Law states the following:

"(2)(a) Any person, including those licensed to practice medicine, who gratuitously and in good faith renders emergency care or treatment either in direct response to emergency situations related to and arising out of a public health emergency declared pursuant to s. 381.00315, a state of emergency which has been declared pursuant to s. 252.36 or at the scene of an emergency outside of a hospital, doctor's office, or other place having proper medical equipment, without objection of the injured victim or victims thereof, shall not be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such care or treatment or as a result of any act or failure to act in providing or arranging further medical treatment where the person acts as an ordinary reasonably prudent person would have acted under the same or similar circumstances."

To view the Florida Good Samaritan Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 4/7/2011 8:26 AM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida State Parks AED Law - Senate Bill 274 (SB274)

 Section 1.  Section 258.0165, Florida Statutes, is created to read:

258.0165 Defibrillators in state parks.-- (1) Each state park is encouraged to have on the premises at all times a functioning automated external defibrillator.

(2) State parkes that provide automated external defibrillators shall ensure that employees and volunteers are properly trained in accrodance with s.401.2915.

To view the entire Florida State Parks Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 12:06 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida Assisted Living AED Law -House Bill 945 (HB945)

Section 1.  Effective July 1,2011, present subsection (3) of section 429.255, Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (4) and amended, and new subsections (3) and (5) are added to that section, to read:

429.255Use of personnel: emergency care.-  (3)(a) An assisted living facility licensed under this part with 17 or more beds shall have on the premises at all times a functioning automated external defibrillator as defined in s.768.1325(2)(b).

To view the Florida Assisted Living Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 12:23 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida Senior Center AED Law -Senate Bill 1748 (SB1748)

An act relating to multiservice senior centers; amending s. 430.203, F.S.; encouraging each multiservice senior center to have a functioning automated external defibrillator; requiring training, maintenance, and location registration; providing immunity from liability under the Good Samaritan Act and the Cardiac Arrest Survival Act; authorizing the Department of Elderly Affairs to adopt rules; requiring the department to arrange for purchase of such defibrillators; requiring certain entities to reimburse the department for purchased defibrillators under certain circumstances; providing criteria for distribution of such defibrillators; providing an appropriation; providing an effective date.

To view the Florida Senior Center Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 12:58 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida Condo Association AED Law -Senate Bill 2984 (SB2984)

An act relating to the condominium and community associations; amending s. 718-110, F.S.; providing for the applicability of amendments restricting certain rights of unit owners; amending s. 718.111, F.S.; providing immunity from liability for certain information provided by associations to prospective purchasers or lienholders under certain circumstances; amending s. 768.1325, F.S.; providing immunity from civil liability for communityassociations that provide automated defibrillator devices under certain circumstances; prohibiting insurers from requiring associations to purchase medical malpractice coverage as a condition of issuing other coverage; prohibiting insurers from excluding from coverage under a general liability policy damages resulting from the use of an automated external defibrillator device; amending ss. 718.112 and 719.1055, F.S.; revising notification and voting procedures with respect to any vote to forego retrofitting of the common areas of condominiums and cooperatives with fire sprinkler systems; amending s. 718.503, F.S.; requiring unit owners who are not developers to provide a specific question and answer disclosure document to certain prospective purchasers; creating s. 720.403, F.S.; providing legislative intent relating to the revival of governance of a community.

To view the entire Florida Condo Association Law, CLICK HERE.


Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 1:14 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida Law Enforcement AED Law -Senate Bill 1436 (SB1436)

An act relating to automated external defibrillators; amending s. 401.2915, F.S.; authorizing state and local law enforcement vehicles to carry an automated external debibrillator; amending s. 932.7055, F.S.; authorizing local governments to use forfeiture funds for purchasing automated external defibrillators; poviding an effective date.

To view the Florida Law Enforcement Law, CLICK HERE.

 Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 1:23 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida Revised AED Law - House Bill 93 (HB93)

An act relating to automated external defibrillators; amending s. 401.2915, F.S.; revising legislative intent with respect to the use of an automated external defibrillator; defining the terms "automated external defibrillator" and "defibrillation"; providing that it is a first degree misdemeanor for a perosn to commit certain acts involving the misuse of an automated external defibrillator; providing penaltie and an exception; requiring the Department of Health to implement an educational campaign to inform persons who acquire automated external defibrillator devices of the scope and limitations of the immunity from liability provided under the Cardiac Arrest Sruvival Act; amending s. 768.1325, F.S.; revising the definition of the term "automated external defibrillator"; providing an effective date.

To view the entire Florida Amended AED Law, CLICK HERE.


Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 1:50 PM

Posts: 60
Joined: 12/13/2013
Florida AED Laws 2 - Senate Bill 564 (SB564)

An act relating to automated external defibrillators; amending s. 401.2915, F.S.; revising provisions relating to the maintenance of and training requirements for the use of automated external defibrillators; revising provisions encouraging notice to the local emergency medical services medical director; amending s. 768.1325, F.S.; revising requirements for civil immunity for the use or attempted use of a defibrillator on a victim of a perceived medical emergency; providing an effective date.

To view the entire Florida Revised AED Laws, CLICK HERE.


Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com.

Posted: 1/10/2014 2:00 PM
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation