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Minnesota AED Laws
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation
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Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Minnesota Good Samaritan Law

The State of Minnesota has created a Good Samaritan law to protect individuals that aid a victim during an emergency from liability if the victim becomes injured or the victim's life is lost.  The Minnesota Good Samaritan Law states the following:

"(a) A person who, without compensation or the expectation of compensation, renders emergency care, advice, or assistance at the scene of an emergency or during transit to a location where professional medical care can be rendered is not liable for any civil damages as a result of acts or omissions by that person in rendering the emergency care, advice, or assistance, unless the person acts in a willful and wanton or reckless manner in providing the care, advice, or assistance. This subdivision does not apply to a person rendering emergency care, advice, or assistance during the course of regular employment, and receiving compensation or expecting to receive compensation for rendering the care, advice, or assistance."

To view the Minnesota Good Samaritan Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com. 

Posted: 3/18/2011 12:32 PM

Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Minnesota School AED Law

The Minnesota School AED Law requires that every public school building have an AED available.  The Minnesota School AED Law states the following:

"Subd. 15. Automated external defibrillators; public school buildings. (a) Beginning January 1, 2014, the code must require at least one approved and operational automated external defibrillator, consistent with section 604A.01, subdivision 2, paragraph (e), in ever building in which an early childhood care or education program, an elementray or secondary education program, or a postsecondary education program or other adult learning program is provided and where more than 25 people occupy the buidling at one time."

To view the Minnesota School AED Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com. 

Posted: 4/8/2011 1:04 PM
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation