50-6-502, 50-6-503, AND 50-6-505, MCA; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.
Section 1. Section 50-6-502, MCA, is amended to read:
"50-6-502. AED program -- requirements for AED use. In order for an entity
to use or allow the use of an automated external defibrillator, the entity shall:
(1) establish a program for the use of an AED that includes a written
plan that complies with this part and rules adopted by the department
pursuant to 50-6-503. The plan must specify:
(a) where the AED will be placed;
(b) the individuals who are authorized to operate the AED;
(c) how AED use will be coordinated with an emergency medical service
providing services in the area where the AED is located;
(d) the medical supervision oversight that will be provided;
(e) the maintenance that will be performed on the AED;
(f) records that will be kept by the program;
(g) reports that will be made of AED use; and
(h) the name, location, and telephone number of a physician,
or other individual designated by the physician, designated to
provide medical supervision of the AED program; and
(i)(h) other matters as specified by the department;
(2) adhere to the written plan required by subsection (1);
ensure that before using the AED, an individual authorized
to operate the AED receives appropriate training approved by the
department in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper use of an AED;
maintain, test, and operate the AED according to the manufacturer's
(2) guidelines and maintain written records of all maintenance
and testing performed on the AED;
(5) ensure that the physician or other individual designated by the
physician to supervise the AED program supervises the AED program
to ensure compliance with the written plan, this part, and rules adopted
by the department pursuant to 50-6-503 and reviews each case in which
the AED is used;
(6)(5) each time an AED is used for an individual in cardiac arrest,
require that an emergency medical service is summoned to provide
assistance as soon as possible and that the AED use is reported to the
supervising physician or the person designated by the physician and to the
department as required by the written plan;
(7)(6) before allowing any use of an AED, provide the following to
all licensed emergency medical services and any public safety answering
point or emergency dispatch center providing services to the area
where the AED is located:
(a) a copy of the plan prepared pursuant to this section; and
(b) written notice, in a format prescribed by department rules, stating:
(i) that an AED program is established by the entity;
(ii) where the AED is located; and
(iii) how the use of the AED is to be coordinated with the local emergency
medical service system; and
(8)(7) comply with this part and rules adopted by the department pursuant to
Section 2. Section 50-6-503, MCA, is amended to read:
"50-6-503. Rulemaking. (1) The department shall adopt rules specifying
the following:
(a) the contents of the written notice required by 50-6-502(7);
(b) reporting requirements for each use of an AED;
(c) the contents of a plan prepared in accordance with 50-6-502 and requirements
applicable to the subject matter of the plan;
(d) training requirements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED use for
any individual authorized by an AED program plan to use an AED;
(e) requirements guidelines for medical supervision oversight of an AED program;
(f) minimum requirements for a medical protocol for use of an AED;
(g) performance requirements for an AED in order for the AED to be used in an AED
program; and
(h) a list of the AED training programs approved by the department.
(2) The department may not adopt rules for any purpose other than those in subsection (1)."
Section 3. Section 50-6-505, MCA, is amended to read:
"50-6-505. Liability limitations. (1) An individual who provides emergency
care or treatment by using an AED in compliance with this part and rules
adopted by the department pursuant to 50-6-503 and an individual
providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to an individual upon whom an
AED is or may be used are immune from civil liability for a personal injury
that results from that care or treatment or from civil liability as a result of any
act or failure to act in providing or arranging further medical treatment for
the individual upon whom the AED was used unless the individual
using the AED or the person providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as
applicable, acts with gross negligence or with willful or with wanton disregard
for the care of the person upon whom the AED is or may be used.
(3) The following individuals or entities are immune from civil liability for any
(4) personal injury that results from an act or omission that does not amount to
(5) willful or wanton misconduct or gross negligence if applicable provisions
(6) of this part and rules adopted by the department pursuant to 50-6-503 have
(7) been met by the individual or entity:
(a) the physician supervising a person providing medical oversight of the AED
(b) program or the person designated by a physician to supervise the program,
(c) either of whom are, as designated in the plan prepared pursuant to 50-6-502;
(b) the entity responsible for the AED program, as designated
in the plan prepared pursuant to 50-6-502;
(c) an individual providing training to others on the use of an AED."
To view the Montana AED Law, CLICK HERE.
Our goal at is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories? Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or