The State of New York has created an AED Law that requires AED owners to follow certain rules
and regulations when owning an AED. The New York AED Law states the following:
"3. Possession and operation of automated external defibrillator. Possession and operation
of an automated external defibrillator by a public access defibrillation provider
shall comply with the following:
(a) No person may operate an automated external defibrillator unless the person has
successfully completed a training course in the operation of an automated external
defibrillator approved by a nationally-recognized organization or the state emergency
medical services council, and the completion of the course was recent enough to
still be effective under the standards of the approving organization. However, this
section shall not prohibit operation of an automated external defibrillator, (i) by a
health care practitioner licensed or certified under title VIII of the education law or
a person certified under this article acting within his or her lawful scope of practice
or (ii) by a person acting pursuant to a lawful prescription.
(b) The public access defibrillation provider shall cause the automated external
defibrillator to be maintained and tested according to applicable standards of the
manufacturer and any appropriate government agency.
(c) The public access defibrillation provider shall notify the regional council of the existence, location
and type of any automated external defibrillator it possesses.
(d) Every use of an automated external defibrillator on a patient shall be immediately reported to
the appropriate local emergency medical services system, emergency communications
center or emergency vehicle dispatch center as appropriate and promptly reported to
the emergency health care provider.
(e) The emergency health care provider shall participate in the regional quality improvement program
pursuant to subdivision one of section three thousand four-a of this article."
The New York AED Law requires that a health care provider be involved in the AED program.
The owner of the AED must train any individual on how to perform CPR and use the AED. No one can use
the AED unless he or she has been properly trained.
To view the New York AED Law, CLICK HERE.
Our goal at is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs
increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED
replacement accessories? Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or