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Oregon AED Laws
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation
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Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Oregon AED Law - Senate Bill 313 (SB 313)

The State of Oregon AED Law protects organizations and individuals from liability when the guidelines stated the law are followed.  The Oregon AED Law states the following: 

"(3) The immunity provided by this section applies only if:

(a) Before using an automated external defibrillator, the person using the defibrillator has received instruction in the use of defibrillators and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a course approved by the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources;

(b) The person using an automated external defibrillator on another person calls 9-1-1 or such other emergency phone number serving the area as soon as possible after use of the defibrillator, and provides all information on the use of the defibrillator requested by the emergency medical service provider, as defined in ORS 41.685, or health care provider that assumes responsibility for the care of the person on whom the defibrillator was used;

(c) The automated external defibrillator has been maintained and tested in the manner required by the manufacturer's guidelines;

(d) The person that acquired and maintains the automated external defibrillator has sought medical direction from a licensed physician in the use of the defibrillator and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and

(e) The person that acquired and maintains the automated external defibrillator has contacted at least one local emergency medical service provider, as defined in ORS 41.685, serving the area in which the defibrillator is used and has notified that organization of the location of the defibrillator."

The State of Oregon requires that the AED be properly maintained and tested.  Each month an inspection of the AED should be performed to ensure the AED is fully operation.  The pads and batteries must be replaced according to the manufacture's guidelines.

Training should be provided to the staff of the organization on how to properly perform CPR and how to utilize an AED.  Medical Direction is required in the State of Oregon.  A physician will oversee the AED Program to ensure that the program is compliant with the laws.

To view the Oregon AED Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com. 

Posted: 3/18/2011 12:22 PM

Posts: 120
Joined: 6/9/2010
Oregon School AED Law - Senate Bill 1033 (SB 1033)

The State of Oregon has issued an AED law requiring schools to have an AED on each campus.  The Oregon School AED law states the following:

"SECTION 1. Each school campus in a school district, private school campus and public charter school campus shall have on the premises at least one automated external defibrillator.

SECTION 2. A school in a school district, private school or public charter school shall comply with section 1 of this 210 Act on or before January 1, 2015."

An AED must be available on each school campus in order to comply with the law.  The AEDs are there to protect individuals that fall victim to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. 

To view the Oregon School AED Law, CLICK HERE.

Our goal at AED-SHOP.com is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories?  Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or customerservice@aed-shop.com. 

Posted: 4/5/2011 11:29 AM
Forum Index > State Laws & Legislation