The Wisconsin AED Law requires the owner of an AED to follow certain regulations. These regulations are enacted to protect the owner of the AED from liability if the regulations are followed. The State of Wisconsin AED Law states the following:
"146.50 (8g) (c) (intro.) A person who provides an automatic defibrillator or a semiautomatic defibrillator for use under par. (b) shall do all of the following:
146.50 (8g) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.50 (8g) (c) 1. Provide written notification to the nearest emergency medical services program under s. 146.55 (2). The notification shall include information as to the type of the automatic defibrillator or semiautomatic defibrillator, the location of the defibrillator on the premises of the person, the intended usage area for the defibrillator and the owner of the defibrillator.
146.50 (8g) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.50 (8g) (c) 2. Ensure that the automatic defibrillator or semiautomatic defibrillator is maintained and tested in accordance with any operational guidelines of the manufacturer.
146.50 (8g) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.50 (8g) (d) The department shall review training courses for the use of an automatic defibrillator or a semiautomatic defibrillator under this subsection and may approve those training courses that satisfy standards for approval that are specified by the department."
Notifying the local EMS allows them to know where AEDs are located in case of an emergency. It helps the EMS responders to be prepared when arriving on the scene.
Training the organization's staff prepares the staff for an emergency. The more training a person receives, the more prepared the person is for reacting during the emergency.
It is imperative that the AED be maintained properly. The pads and batteries have expiration dates and must be replaced to keep the AED fully functional.
To view the Wisconsin AED Law, CLICK HERE.
Our goal at is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how AEDs increase the survival rate. In need of an AED for your organization, CPR training for your staff, or AED replacement accessories? Contact us today with your questions or concerns at 877-251-7467 or